More About Me
After graduating from Florida State University in 1993 and living in Tallahassee for most of my life, I then decided to join our family owned and operated business, Montgomery Realty Inc. I have now been in the business for over 30 years and have enjoyed every aspect of it. As of March 2015 I took the next step in my career and joined Coldwell Banker Hartung a leader in the Real Estate Industry in Tallahassee for over 40 years. With this transition I have been able to consistently be one of Tallahassee's Top Producing Agents. I am committed to making sure whether your buying or selling a home, that your dream becomes a reality! I believe in good, old-fashioned personal service, and the success of my real estate business reflects that belief. So when you need the expertise of a professional agent, look no further than my years of experience. Your satisfaction is, and always has been my top priority.

